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We are launching our research!

Wielka mapa protestu tworzona przez grupę różnych ludzi za pośrednictwem komputerów

After months of preparation and work that has been going on from behind a desk, our project is entering a crucial phase – we are launching our research! We begin by mapping the protest with a geo-questionnaire survey. It allows us to ask questions familiar from typical online surveys, but also to mark locations on a map.

For us, this is the first opportunity to ask you about your experiences of protest and resistance, with a particular focus on the role of space. This will provide us with valuable information on how space can influence the course of protests and expressions of resistance, but also how protests and resistance affect your perception of space.

For you, in turn, this is the first opportunity to actively participate in our project and express your opinion on this issue. We believe that the questions we pose can stimulate reflection on the use of space for resistance practices, which can positively influence the effectiveness of your activism efforts in the future.

We invite all people who once participated in a protest or other form of resistance to fill out the survey available HERE. Let’s create a map of resistance together!

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